Program 2021

The annual LGBTI+ Business Conference will address the importance of LGBTI inclusion in business from various perspectives following two main tracks. 








Introduction and House Rules




By Carina Nilsson, Malmö Stad

The Chair of the Municipal Assembly in Malmö welcomes the live and on-line audience.




By Micael Nord, Malmö Stad

Michel Nord, Director for Business and External Relations at the City of Malmö, welcome introduction from a local business perspective.



Challenges and possibilities of LGBT inclusion in foreign affairs

By Ambassador Judith Gough

Ambassador Gough will share her own experience from the private and public sectors as well as with examples from the possibilities and challenges for the Foreign Office. She will also highlight the potential and importance of trade in promoting inclusion.



The Economics of LGBT

By Tobias Holfelt, The Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce, SGLCC

The LGBTI+ consumer market in Scandinavia is worth more than SEK 300 Bln. LGBTI-owned businesses adds USD 1.7 Tr to the US economy each year. How does corporate inclusion affect the stock-market? Tobias Holfelt, SGLCC and MB Market Makers gives a short overview of LGBT economics and how SGLCC aims to help the LGBT entrepreneurs to reach further.



Diversity & Inclusion at Saab – the tale of a transgender woman in Defence & Security

By Johanna Gustafsson, Saab TransponderTech

Johanna Gustafsson will talk about how the defence and security company Saab works with Diversity & Inclusion. It will be a personal testimony rooted in her own experiences from coming out as a transgender woman in this context.



Is Corporate Culture a Requisite for Diversity?

By Thomas Ogard, Moll Wendén Law

Thomas Ogard from Moll Wendén Law firm will give his view from his own experiences on the need for role models.  In addition, is corporate culture in fact a pre-requisite for any diversity effort?



Diversifying the supply chain – a business success

By Peter Zerp, Accenture

Our Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Program, which reaches 20 countries, proactively aims to connect small and diverse owned businesses with equal opportunities to scale. With our eco system partners like SGLCC and EGLCC we drive several initiatives to connect businesses that are small and/or at least 51% diverse owned, controlled and led with sourcing and capability opportunities.



LGBT Entrepreneurship

By James Felton Keith, Inclusion Score

James Felton Keith is a true entrepreneurial spirit, with multiple business projects behind him – and more to come. James tells his success-story, about possibilities and difficulties. And does it make any difference being an LGBT entrepreneur?






LGBT Entrepreneurs

Panel by Anna Högkil, Klubb Moxy & Fredagsräkan, Jonas Norén, J Noren AB and Matt Dabrowski, OutScotland/Britain

LGBT entrepreneurship, local and transnational. We highlight our local LGBT entrepreneurs, challenges and possibilities within for entrepreneurs in the community. SGLCC is proud to be a part of a multinational network of LGBT businesses to boost their potential, from EGLCC, NGLCC Global, and other national chambers.



Right skills, full potential – best results!

By Martin Sjögren, Randstad

When the pandemic subsides and the labor market begins to move, you have the chance to increase the diversification of your teams! Recruitment can be a tool that helps you reflect your business in clients, candidates and society. At the same time, you’ll become a more successful employer in a company that provide higher returns and a greater turnover.



Advancing LGBT+ inclusion in the corporate ecosystem

By Marijn Pijnenburg, IBM

We have seen more and more corporate logos in rainbow colours for Pride events. But what are incremental steps on the corporate DEI journey, driving LGBT+ inclusion inside and outside of your organisation? Marijn will provide approaches and examples of IBM and their leading partners from around the world.



The Importance of Inclusion

By Tove Möller, Access Society

It is vital for any company to work with Social Responsibility and Inclusion. It is also necessary to prioritize and make sure the management is properly informed and educated and is made responsible for the process. The goal is to create a workplace where the staff wants to be, not are able to be, as is still often the case.



Transnational Trade, Cooperation and Exchange

Panel by Peter Dahlen, AmCham Sweden, Daniel Sörlöv, Microsoft and Martin Sjögren, Randstad

Getting inspiration and knowledge from others can be vital to any organisation. This panel aims to discuss how exchanging ideas across borders, and multilateral trade can boost progress.



Bringing diversity to the community

Panel by Petra Sörling, Rosengårds Fastighets AB, Per Svensson, Croisette, Karin Svensson, MKB, Drusilla Copeland, Four Rooms of Change

Bringing local and global together, what is the business case for the real estate sector and can that influence the cities where they operate. What can we learn from experiences in the US?





Thank you and see you next year!


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